Ward: You have no idea what I spared you from. There were so many times that I wanted to tell you. I would literally pack a bag, buy plane tickets, get into a car, drive to your place, thinking, "How am I gonna tell you that we need to run away and start over?"
Joy: But you didn't do it.

You dare to speak of tradition after you abandoned ours? You see, Danny you feel that you can just walk through this world as if it belongs to you. You value nothing, because your privilege has afforded you everything. You've never had a heritage of your own. A culture you must honor and protect.


Walker: I was not playing you. If I do my job right, you never see my face. It was an accident. I was following you and must have hit a trigger.
Danny: A trigger?
Walker: An environmental cue that sparks an emotional response, bringing an alter to the fore. Mine goes by Mary. Mary, Mary, sad and contrary.

What the hell is this? I said habanero. This is, like, teriyaki? Next time, pick a gas station with a better selection. Look, I'm very, very serious about my snacks.


Davos: I don't eat meat. Killing animals for sustenance is a disgrace.
Chen: Of course you don't. You're just a vegetarian that kills people.

Iron Fist Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

What the hell is this? I said habanero. This is, like, teriyaki? Next time, pick a gas station with a better selection. Look, I'm very, very serious about my snacks.


Davos: I don't eat meat. Killing animals for sustenance is a disgrace.
Chen: Of course you don't. You're just a vegetarian that kills people.