Well the thing is, um, he called me before he did it. He called me. I saw his number on the phone and I didn't answer.

Amy [to Nate]

Kevin: I'm supposed to break up this marriage, aren't I?
Yvette: Yeah. That sounds like the universe I know.
Kevin: I didn't sign up for this.
Yvette: You didn't sign up.

Not an angel. I believe in what's right. And if a lie is told for a just cause then it's justified. You are on a mission to bring balance to the universe. If that isn't a good cause, then I don't know what is.


Dr. Sloan, always a pleasure. Amy, you're a nightmare person.


Kevin: Ah, I needed this. Planning a wedding for two good people? This is the reason I signed up for this job.
Yvette: You didn't sign up.

Amy: Who are those people?
Reese: Maybe it's flower therapy?
Amy: That's not a thing.

Kevin (Probably) Saves the World Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Kevin: Ah, I needed this. Planning a wedding for two good people? This is the reason I signed up for this job.
Yvette: You didn't sign up.

Amy: Who are those people?
Reese: Maybe it's flower therapy?
Amy: That's not a thing.