Villanelle: I killed two people last night after I tried really hard not to.
Martin: Okay, that’s not ideal, but presumably common for you.

Eve: Do you know that fable about the scorpion and the frog?
Villanelle: They hook up?
Eve: No. They both die, because the scorpion can’t change its nature.
Villanelle: Maybe you’re the scorpion.

I knew a man who died eating brunch. He made hand-woven silk rugs, using an ancient technique from China – they were just utterly exquisite things. But alas, he choked on a stray raspberry floating in his bottomless bellini.


You know you can just book a therapist? You don’t have to take one hostage.


Killing Eve Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

Villanelle: I killed two people last night after I tried really hard not to.
Martin: Okay, that’s not ideal, but presumably common for you.

Eve: Do you know that fable about the scorpion and the frog?
Villanelle: They hook up?
Eve: No. They both die, because the scorpion can’t change its nature.
Villanelle: Maybe you’re the scorpion.