Lawyer: It's not his job to talk, it's mine.
Benson: Then why don't you speak on his behalf for once?

Logan: Our relationship was complicated.
Benson: Challenging how?
Logan: For one thing, she was transgender.

Tucker: I live three blocks from this palce. I never knew this place existed.
Benson: It takes time to explore.
Tucker: Exactly.
Benson: Something wrong?
Tucker: No. Just the opposite. Everything's just right.

Benson: You're gonna retire? To do what?
Tucker: To do nothing. To smell the damn flowers. Hopefully with someone like you.

Changing who you are, who you really are is almost impossible, so let's embrace the venerable and double down on who they already are.


Fin: Was he short or tall?
Quinn: Medium height, medium build.
Fin: Could you tell if he was black or white?
Quinn: No. But it doesn't really matter. I think I know who did this. His name is Ray Wilson and he's been stalking me since college.

The only thing you need to worry about is you, okay? You're going to be okay, Quinn. You're going to get through this.


Benson: So retirement. How does that feel?
Cole: Should have done it years ago.

Woman: You should join us one night, Detective. Never too late to rejoice in the bliss of our Savior.
Fin: I'm good. But please tell me what time the damn meeting ended.

Benson: Unfortunately, prison usually changes you for the worse, not for the better.
Carisi: Just like being a cop.
Benson: Who are you, and what have you done with Carisi? You really feel that way?
Carisi: Ask me in 20 years.

Carisi: Have you ever seen someone watching you?
Quinn: No. It's just a feeling. And you get this sense that there's this dark energy focused in your direction.

These cases are about perception, not reality.

SVU Chief Mike Cutter