Carisi: Don't forget he is a rapist.
Benson: I'm not making excuses for him, but he's also a victim. We need to remember that and treat him like one.

Connie: I'm horrified. I thought I knew Henry. Maybe he was jealous of my son or my son was jealous of him.
Carisi: So it was a regular cocaine and Abel, huh?

Life isn't pass/fail, Churlish.


Connie: I am doing whatever I can to protect my son. Just like you would do. What you did. That gang case?
Benson: So you follow the news.
Connie: I admire you for raising a child alone, being both mother and father. When my husband ran off, all Martin and I had were each other, so I will do anything to protect him.
Benson: Including bribing rape victims?
Connie: Sounds like you have an axe to grind with people who have money.
Benson: When they abuse that power to protect rapists, yeah.

Dude had his head on Mommy's boobs?


Fin: Mommy was pissed.
Benson: That wasn't anger, Fin. That was jealousy.

I'm no one's fawn. I don't care if I lose my job. I want this bastard charged with rape.


Benson: It's nice to see Muncy and Churlish getting along.
Fin: Don't get too excited. They're the only ones here.

Woman: I have always cared about your happiness.
Man: Then why do I feel like an eel who is floundering around the bottom of a boat and is drowning.

Law & Order: SVU Season 24 Episode 18 Quotes

Benson: It's nice to see Muncy and Churlish getting along.
Fin: Don't get too excited. They're the only ones here.

Woman: I have always cared about your happiness.
Man: Then why do I feel like an eel who is floundering around the bottom of a boat and is drowning.