Tucker: Fencing's the sport with swords. Like Pirates of the Caribbean.
Peter: I was a football man myself. You know, football, not your kind of football, it's the dangerous, hard kind that people enjoy watching.

Dana: I have something to ask you, but it might be a little inappropriate.
Tucker: Well, if it's a lot inappropriate, I'm in.
Dana: Two questions. Do you like dinner? And do you like party?
Tucker: Was that an invitation or an episode?

Peter: He's gay.
David: No, he's British.
Peter: I know, right? I can't tell the difference either.

It's okay, every New York girl needs a gay best friend. Apparently, my husband needed one too.


David: Did you ever think about helping me instead of busting my chops?
Chloe: I can honestly say, not for one second.

Dana: Here's the thing, if you really wanted to ask me to this dinner party you would have done so before I found out on my own.
Peter: Well, that's something I obviously hadn't thought of.

Dana: Will do, governor.
Tucker: Pardon?
Dana: I regret the last five seconds of my life so intensely.

Being deaf is not an excuse for vile behavior.


Dana and I had just reached the perfect relationship spot. You know, where we know we're seeing other people but we never talk about it. It's all the fun without the guilt.


Are you pausing so that I invite you to the party?


Manhattan Love Story Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Dana and I had just reached the perfect relationship spot. You know, where we know we're seeing other people but we never talk about it. It's all the fun without the guilt.


Are you pausing so that I invite you to the party?
