What is up with the house of sadness?


Joss: Is that your job, to make Sally feel better?
Alex: Well she is my girlfriend.
Joss: She's a grown up. She controls her own happiness, doesn't she?

Apparently it's hard to tell someone over the phone that your entire marriage was a sham. So she decided to do it in person which would have been a classy move if she wasn't such a gigantic whore.


April: Paul had a baby with another woman.
Savi: My thing can wait.

Dominic: It's so unfair. You're stunning today.
Savi: I'm going to a funeral, Dominic.
Dominic: Not mine.

You remove your own hair from your hair brush every time you use it. There is no way Karen Kim left anything behind.


What was I suppose to tell him? On the way to our date some trash showed up on my doorstep with my cheating ass husband's biracial spawn.


Dom: What is it that you want?
Savi: I want things to go back to the way they were before.
Dom: This is the way it was. This is it. This is us.
Savi: Then it needs not to be.

I appreciate the romance, I do but what reality are you living in?


Harry: We are kind of stuck here for the foreseeable future.
Savi: There's no place I'd rather be.

Karen: Do you do things, you know, after work I mean?
Jacob: Like solve crimes?

Who would buy us? We kind of suck.


Mistresses Quotes

Customer: Is this the sexy sheet section?
April: This is the satin section. What's sexy to one person is a slippery elbow in the face to someone else.

Savi: Where's your wedding ring?
Harry: It's in my pocket.
Savi: Put it on.