I'm not special. It's Elliot. He's the one with the plan, the one they're taking seriously. You know, I always thought it was crazy we got away with this. Thought there was something special about me that made it happen. But it wasn't me, Mobley, Trenton, or Romero. It was him. It's always been him.


Do you really want to say no to me?


These are the cheapest things I own, yet they're my favorite. Tyrell would always do what was necessary... and at the end of that, I would receive a gift. That's why I know he's alive. That's why he's been calling me. That's why he sent me this phone. Because he's doing what's necessary.


I don't want to leave her.

Elliot [about Angela]

Why isn't she saying anything? Is she trying to get inside my head? I still feel like she can hear us.

Elliot [about Joanna Wellick]

Is there a pocket of the world you don't have a hand in? Trading countries like playing cards?

Terry Colby

Politics is for puppets.

Philip Price

Mr. Robot Season 2 Episode 10 Quotes

Is there a pocket of the world you don't have a hand in? Trading countries like playing cards?

Terry Colby

Politics is for puppets.

Philip Price