Gunnar: Why can't I just man up and get over it?
Avery: Because it's not fair. We all get sold this fantasy that life is gonna be easy. It hurts like hell when you learn the truth.
Gunnar: Yeah, no kidding.
Avery: You can't push that kind of pain away. You gotta own it, deal with it, every day. That's being a man.

You're the best person I've ever known. That's why it hurt so much when we opened that envelope. It still hurts but I can take it, what I can't take it losing you.


Just brainstorming how to achieve world domination.


Daphne: I don't even want to be here.
Counselor: Here, in therapy?
Daphne: Anywhere.

It's physically impossible to turn in homework everyday.


What does making it even mean? Being universally liked? That's impossible.


Daphne: I'm not Maddie!
Deacon: I never said you are, I don't think you are.
Daphne: You're trying to make us a family but we're not!

Glenn: You took a risk. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes..
Juliette: It blows up in your face.

You know you're not just pretty, you're smart too.

Juliette [to Avery]

You're sure there's only one other potential father?


The girl is having a moment. Whether it's good timing or bad, these shows are going to give you an opportunity to play your music on a bigger stage. Isn't that what you've always wanted?


The only person I owe anything to is Rayna.


Nashville Quotes

Why can't they just give out the damn award already? Why do they have to throw so many parties?


What you're bailing on the party? Great that's one less person's feelings I have to tiptoe around all night.

Juliette [to Avery]