Can we agree that throwing things at employees is generally considered unacceptable and probably illegal?


Dani: Does she come here often?
Matt: No, but when she does she usually leaves a trail of bodies behind.

It was more like an episode of 60 minutes. An hour of yapity, yapity, yap, and then the show was over.


Stop treating me like a moving target. You might have a better chance of hitting something.


TK: You tell anyone I asked you about this you're a dead man.
Matt: You tell anyone I answered then you're dead too.

Matt: How is that pain in your neck?
Dani: She just walked into the kitchen.

People don't just walk away from Marshall Pittman. They limp.


Necessary Roughness Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

Matt: How is that pain in your neck?
Dani: She just walked into the kitchen.

People don't just walk away from Marshall Pittman. They limp.
