Ella: You guys didn't have to come all this way.
Max: Of course we did.
Helen: We're family.

Ella: It's Vijay, he, he--
Iggy: No. NO. No, no, no, no. Oh, no.

Leyla: I told you I don't want to see you, but you continue to call me. You text me. You ambushed me.
Lauren: I know. I know. I upended your life. I violated your trust, your boundaries, I tried to control you with money, and I'm probably going to regret losing you for the rest of my life, but I'm not trying to change it. I'm trying to atone for it. You shouldn't have to leave this spot because of me. Your residency spot is still open.
Leyla: I can't work with you, Lauren.
Lauren: You won't have to. I'm the one who is leaving.

Adam: Do you remember what I said?
Wilder: "It's time for us to let you go."
Adam: And now, it's time to let me go.
Wilder: I just want to help you.
Adam: You have helped me. So much. More than anyone has or ever will. But now... I need to be on my own And so do you.

Helen: Max, I need you to stay out of my family.
Max: Oh, okay. I guess I thought we were a family. Are we? A family?

Max: When I moved across an ocean for you, your problems became ours.
Helen: Don't you dare use that against me.
Max: I'm not using anything against you.
Helen: Moving here for me. Leaving New Amsterdam for me, that is the trump card you can use in every argument we ever have.

Iggy: Adam, I need you to look at your sister and tell her the truth.
Wilder: Adam, you can tell me anything. You know that.
Adam: I faked it, this morning.
WIlder: Why? Look at me! Why would you fake it?
Adam: I don't know what I was thinking.
Iggy: I think I do. You were thinking you can become an inpatient here
Wilder: Why?
Iggy: So he doesn't have to live with you.

He didn't walk out the door, you drove him away. I remember. Mum, please. Just stop. I remember him begging to stay. I remember him holding me, and I remember you ripping me from his arms while you screamed at him to get out.


Floyd: Leyla came to me this morning for a recommendation.
Lauren: Is she coming back?
Floyd: Honestly, I don't know.

I'll tell you something. If you get hurt that easily, maybe you aren't cut out for motherhood.


Burden me, I want you to. Always.

Max [to Helen]

I'm not a homewrecker.

Trevor [to Iggy]

New Amsterdam Season 4 Episode 13 Quotes

Burden me, I want you to. Always.

Max [to Helen]

I'm not a homewrecker.

Trevor [to Iggy]