Jess, first of all, you're never gonna be old, humans are going to be immortal by 2026. Second of all, give me your phone. You have backslider written all over you.


Caroline is way hotter than that voice in my head who sounds like Tom Waits and tells me I look bad in hats.


Old people freak me out. With their hands and their legs. They're like the people version of pleated pants.


Paul is the all-time worst crier. It's like a slow motion sneeze.


Paul: Now I know what Bill Clinton feels like!
Jess: Now I know what Monica Lewinsky feels like!
Paul: I'm sorry I made you feel like Monica Lewinsky!

New Girl Season 1 Episode 23 Quotes

Paul is the all-time worst crier. It's like a slow motion sneeze.


Paul: Now I know what Bill Clinton feels like!
Jess: Now I know what Monica Lewinsky feels like!
Paul: I'm sorry I made you feel like Monica Lewinsky!