He's a player. Why would a good looking person ever become a doctor?


He's talking to a woman with a sexuality I won't jump to conclusions about.


Nick: Because college is so expensive...
Angie: I'm a stripper.

Everybody hates the Jews! Your mom's in the majority! I'll convert to Indianism!


Winston: The phone?
Jess: I don't know...looks like a meth-head sandwich to me!

You my boo and I been missing you. I been missing you oh so long.


I'd put it in a bowl and eat your hair.


Winston: There are parts of my butt that only a tub can clean.
Jess: Ew, but okay!

Nick: I don't get it. Is this bath water?
Schmidt: Might as well be; it's rosé.

I can't believe I have to have feelings to have good sex. I thought I'd be dead before that happened.


Jess: You care about burritos more than my children?
Nick: You're putting me in a tough spot right now!

Schmidt: Would I have to put my legs in the stirrups?
Melissa: Why would you even ask that?
Schmidt: I'm asking more so out of curiosity than fear. Hashtag, excitement.

New Girl Season 2 Quotes

I panicked and I grabbed the hat. I should have grabbed the yoyo or the slap bracelet and now all I have is this stupid hat.


Jess: I thought we talked about you not wearing your shower diaper in the kitchen!
Schmidt: Excuse me? Do you think this has been easy? To wash myself wearing a penis cast all summer?