You want me to heal you, fix what I see? Answer me! Does this feel bad?


Ben: I'd be happy to give you a ride, even let you take it for a spin.
Napoleon: OMG! You're not kidding.
Ben: The offer is only limited to my car. You're looking at my wife like you want to take her for a spin.

Masha: The people that come here live fairly good lives. They come here for the suffering.
Frances: I don't want to suffer.
Masha: You're already suffering.

Do you know what they say about holding hands? It's intimate. It can be more intimate than lovemaking even.


We are and we always will be profoundly and inextricably bound, don’t you agree?


Ben: Why are you trying to lose weight? You're already thin.
Carmel: Thank you. But, I'd like to be thinner.
Ben: But why? I don't get it. Why is everyone obsessed with this kind of thing?
Frances: I don't think we are, Ben. But if you're looking for commonality, I think we're all obsessed with being a little better than yesterday.

It's the most wonderful feeling in the world to be seen.


We complement each other's demons.


There you have it, our phony family baggage, which was also searched by the way.
