Poker with a mind-reader? Even I know better than that.

Jim [to JJ]

JJ: That is my poker money!
Daphne: Better than your bail money!

Stephanie: He calls you a lot when you two are fighting crime.
Jim: Why do you think I switched to unlimited minutes?

You guys call it a lair? Or "The Lair?"


Thank god you didn't have that appetite when we first starting dating; I would have needed a second job.


I spent too many years in school to watch over a high-tech gossip girl.


Stephanie: Are we bad parents leaving our kids alone?
Jim: They're not alone. That's why we had two.

Stephanie: George hit you with his car?
Jim: It was a rental.

I'm old enough to operate a motor vehicle, I think I'm old enough to operate a JJ.


Who would have thought the key to a marriage was a plane crash and superpowers.


I can't believe you and Stephanie have been married for 18 years. That's a long time. It's like your marriage is old enough to vote... and have sex.


No Ordinary Family Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Who would have thought the key to a marriage was a plane crash and superpowers.


I can't believe you and Stephanie have been married for 18 years. That's a long time. It's like your marriage is old enough to vote... and have sex.
