There's never gonna be a golden ticket back into my life. I'll tolerate you for Jamie, but you're dead to me. The moment Keith died, you died.


Dan: Whiskey. Straight up.
Grubbs: I would've guessed blood.

Haley: He is the healthiest looking dying man I've ever seen.
Nathan: I guess evil does a body good.

Clay: So this is your cave.
Quinn: We can't all have pimped out beach houses.
Clay: Says the girl whose cave is in an NBA player's mansion.

The first time I looked in a lens I realized I could see magical things in unexpected places and I want the kids to feel that.


I used to want you to be my daddy... now I'm your mommy!

Rachel [to Nathan]

It's your turn to be the girl that gets the baby and the boy.


I am fluent in boy and I'm pretty sure that "what's the rush?" doesn't mean "let's have a baby now."


I think I'm pregnant... I'm freaking out.


I really need a huge Haley heart-to-heart right now.


You're still young. We both are. I think we just forget that sometimes.


Nathan: Do you believe this? Do you realize how ridiculous this is? The guy shot his brother at point blank range and now he has a hit TV show. He's rolling out some rigged up lie detector machine and I have to sit 3,000 miles away and just take it.
Haley: Screw him. I mean it. Let's not even watch the rest of the show. It's a nice day. It's a nice life.
Nathan: How can you be so strong?

One Tree Hill Season 7 Quotes

Clay: Season is over Nate.
Nathan: For some guys, but's pre-season for next year.
Clay: See that's why I love being your agent.

Green is the new orange.
