Delphine's got your number? Well, we definitely need new clone phones.


Sarah: She wants my help saving Leda and Dyad.
Felix: Jesus, don't these people know you never even finished high school?

Sarah: You don't think I can do this? (gets into character) Rachel Duncan. Uber bitch.
Felix: That was terrible.

Seriously, Cosima, with soldier clones running around and, you know, all this lesbian drama, uh, I don't know that I want to work on the super secret shit anymore.


I've learned from Dyad that secrets are power.


Orphan Black Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

Sarah: She wants my help saving Leda and Dyad.
Felix: Jesus, don't these people know you never even finished high school?

Delphine's got your number? Well, we definitely need new clone phones.
