Sorry about that. I keep telling her it's Cal but she Daddied me twice this morning.


Fine. I'm sure I've got a Ukrainian folk costume in here somewhere.


Felix: You do realize I'm gonna have to paint this to paint this to come to terms with it.
Sarah: Please stop.
Felix: Yeah, you're right. I mean you shot your evil twin sister dead only to have her rise and gut your sister's henchman. How could I capture the nuance?

Just when the night is darkest, he shines a light. And a new life begins


It’s a miracle. We were meant to be together. Always. Sestra. I need your help. I was married. I think he took something from inside of me.


Cal: You must have really gotten under their skin.
Sarah: They sort of got under mine first.

Cosima: Just go through the motions with Donnie. Break a leg or whatever. I'll call you tomorrow, OK?
Alison: Unless Delphine black bags you into the back of an SUV and and then puts you in a rabbit cage somewhere. And then I'll never speak to you again.

Look at her Gracie. Man schemed for years to make her but only God can make her fertile.


Jesus Christ. Our dear old mum is a dead eye with a rifle It just makes me queasy.


Henrik: You know a wise man once said, science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.
Tomas: Einstein didn't believe in God.

Alison: I killed Aynsley, Felix!
Felix: Aynsley wore a scarf in the kitchen.

Sarah: Mrs. S. has loads of secrets. Some of them are good, yeah?
Kira: I don't think so.