Ann: Wow, that's disgusting.
Chris: Yeah, it's very hard to drink.

Look, who hasn't had gay thoughts? Who?


Joan? I thought you were Jennifer Aniston filming a movie here.


Encapsulate the spirit of melancholy. Easy. Boom, a sad desk. Boom, sad wall. It's art. Anything is anything.


April: Dear April's grandmother. I said grandfather.
Andy: Oh. Oops. OK.
April: You are a beautiful and amazing woman. Man. I hope some day I can become half the woman you are. He's a man. Thank you for the $500. It was $5. Enjoy the Mouse Rat CD. He is deaf.
Andy: OK, do you want me to make those changes or is it good?

We are colleagues with benefits. We're colleagues who benefit from the fact that we're also friends.


I'm sorry, Shauna. I think I need to go. But, um, thank you so much and as always everything I said is off the record. OK? Bye.


Nice job man. Was that your first time talking to other people? 'Cause it came off that way. You embarrassed me in front of The Douche.


Well, the douche, it's a Pawnee tradition and it's where fun meets awesome.. meets agriculture.


Andy: Tell me your least favorite things you have to do everyday and I'll do them for a month.
April: Fine. If you do everything I hate for a month, then I might begin to think about the possiblity of thinking about maybe staying.
Andy: That's all I have to hear. You won't live to regret this.

Ann: Is this right?
Chris: This feels almost perfect, but I don't think your core has maximized elasticity.
April: Okay, umm, I'll come back if you guys are.. being weird.

Man: Sup, guys? Just douching over here in Eagleton.
Tom: Sweet.

Parks and Recreation Season 3 Quotes

Woman: These are way too tight.
Tom: Well, the real Cinderella didn't have hippo feet.

The bankrupt government of Pawnee has been shut down all summer so it's been three months of no work, no meetings, no memos, no late nights, nothing. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
