No, I don't care about their relationship. I just don't want to lose April. I would never be able to find a worst assistant.


Why are you working the permit's desk, and why was that child clubbing your nuggets?


Crazy Ira: Know why I'd never be an astronaut? Two words: Space farts. You can't roll down the window to the shuttle. Am I right, folks?

Unless Andy can un-kiss Ann, then I'm not going to change my mind.


April: Do you have Internet in your office?
Chris: Yes.

And I even called Oprah. Well, I tried to call Oprah. Couldn't get her number. I'm putting it out there, like The Secret. And hopefully she'll call me.


Leslie: Boy, 35 percent.
Ben: It's actually 34.2 percent.
Leslie: 34.2 percent. I am Ben, the numbers robot.

I'm going to type every word I know! Rectangle. America. Megaphone. Monday. Butthole.


Took her home. Polished her up. Bought a brand new ribbon off of electronic bay dot com.


Calzones are pointless. They're just pizza that's harder to eat. No one likes them. Good day, sir.


Tammy: You're a joke. You're not even a man anymore. Oh, and by the way, last night I faked four out of the seven.
Ron: So did I.

Ron: Tammy and I are in love, and we're going to start a family together. In fact. She's ovulating. So if you'll excuse us, we're heading off on our honeymoon.
Jerry: Wow, where you going?

Parks and Recreation Season 3 Quotes

Woman: These are way too tight.
Tom: Well, the real Cinderella didn't have hippo feet.

The bankrupt government of Pawnee has been shut down all summer so it's been three months of no work, no meetings, no memos, no late nights, nothing. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.
