Ginny: You asked for a fastball, I threw a fastball.
Mike: The way it works is, you hit their pitcher-
Ginny: They get to hit me. I know the code.

You're going to need a bigger press room because Ginny hitting someone is blowing up!


She's a good kid. She's a contributor to this team and I happen to like her. But it doesn't matter because the haters are just going to call her 'coach killer' in addition to everything else they call her.

Maxine: You're no dummy yourself, are you Al?
Al: I have my moments. Even a hog finds a pile of crap to roll around in every once in a while.

Were you really going to quit the game?


Sorry about today. I kinda lost my temper. This remodel thing is still new to me.


When it comes to protecting Ginny, I will yell at the Pope!


Trevor: I got notification that my passwords were changed.
Ginny: So?
Trevor: So I got hacked. They gained access to my banking information, credit card info, and pictures. Selfies that we took on the road.
Ginny: You told me you deleted those!

All this attention and celebrity is only going to get worse. The world is falling for you, and take it from a guy who knows, that doesn't just disappear. So you better find a friend and let them in. Because all this is too much for a person.


Ginny: Sorry I went rogue today.
Mike: Now you're not.
Ginny: Yeah, you're right. I'm not.

Ginny: Any other pitcher on this team, you would have told them to knock Falcone on his ass.
Mike: Fair enough.
Ginny: And don't tell me you wouldn't have.
Mike: Hey! I just said you were right, Baker. Geez!

Mike: 16 years I've been playing in this town. I've seen a lot of rookies come and go. Never met one like you.
Ginny: Yeah, well-
Mike: Not because you're a girl. It's what you're doing. It's what you're having to deal with. You're kinda blowing me away.

Pitch Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Amelia: Sorry, I don't have time to eat.
Mike: This is for me.

I bet Ginny Baker didn't wake up this morning thinking she'd be right in the middle of a beanball war.
