Malcolm: How's it going today Mr. David?
Mr. David: Chimicanga day in the cafeteria.
Malcolm: Is that good or bad?
Mr. David: Ask me tomorrow.

Jessica: Your father and I have discussed it, and we think it's time to tell Ainsley the truth about Nicholas Endicott.Martin: Specifically that she killed him.
Malcolm: That's a bad idea. She's suffering from PTSD. Learning the full story will only make it worse.
Jessica: Not if we tell her as a family. 
Martin: That way we can control the narrative. 
Malcolm: Of course, it's about control. 
Martin: Fine. Guide. Steer. Lightly jouge the narrative. 

Martin: Discovering that you've been lied to about something as seismic as murder could lead to wild, erratic behavior.
Malcolm: You really think she wants to know that? I wish I didn't know. I wish I didn't know that you were a killer.
Jessica: Well, I wish you had just gone to the police in the first place instead of all this lying.
Martin: Yes,  historically you love going to the cops at the first sign of mischief.

Oh, no, no, Jessie. Nobody likes a Monday morning accomplice.


Malcolm: Maybe you're right. Maybe I handle this all wrong from the start.
Martin: Or, counterpoint.  Maybe you handled it wrong when you dropped the dime on dear old dad. I'm just saying if he's fine with murder coverups I could've done with a little of that energy back in '98.

Bright, you're doing that thing where you kind of trail off and make everyone uncomfortable. 


JT: What is this supposed to be?
Karina: That is my vagina reimagined as a three-dimensional celebration of form and color.

Ainsley: I've been remembering more from that night. Tiny things. They don't make any sense. I don't know why this is happening to me, why can't I remember anything?
Malcolm: But the truth is you watched me kill a man and no one should have to witness that.

Dani: We don't keep secrets from each other. For one, I'm an amazing detective and it would be impossible. 
Malcolm: Hey, I'm a detective too.
Dani: Mhhm, but I'm better.
Malcolm: I just have this nagging feeling. I'm with you and my family, and I'm happy. I have everything I want, but there are moments when I don't feel like I deserve it.
Dani: You deserve all of it, Malcolm Whitly. You are the best person that I know.

I don't know who I'm more proud of my daughter for following in her father's footsteps or my son for forging his own path.


Martin: Why are you so determined to wake up anyway?
Malcolm: I know what I have to do now 
Martin: But life is good here. We're one big happy family. Your sister is not a killer. I'm not a killer. You got a great job a happy relationship, and there's even cocoa. Why would you ever want to leave?
Malcolm: Because it's all a lie. This dream, vision, alternative reality whatever.  I thought it was, what life would be like if you weren't a killer, but it's not. It's what life would be like if I never found out. 

Malcolm: But Dani won't be there like she is here. Son, stay. Stay for her. A partner you can actually be honest with. You'll never have that if you open that box.
Malcolm: It's your fault. You made me this way!
Martin: Well you can point fingers all you want, but when you're alone and miserable, remember you had a choice.Malcolm: No, I didn't.

Prodigal Son Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Jessica: Your father and I have discussed it, and we think it's time to tell Ainsley the truth about Nicholas Endicott.Martin: Specifically that she killed him.
Malcolm: That's a bad idea. She's suffering from PTSD. Learning the full story will only make it worse.
Jessica: Not if we tell her as a family. 
Martin: That way we can control the narrative. 
Malcolm: Of course, it's about control. 
Martin: Fine. Guide. Steer. Lightly jouge the narrative. 

Malcolm: How's it going today Mr. David?
Mr. David: Chimicanga day in the cafeteria.
Malcolm: Is that good or bad?
Mr. David: Ask me tomorrow.