So, who wants to be a terrorist?


I feel like this is the part where I'm supposed to give a rousing speech, but all I can think of is thank you. We would not have been able to do this without you.


Breaking the law can be the right way. You have to not get caught. I've broken more federal laws than both of you combined, and I've faced zero consequences.


So that's my life? Challenging her? Making her better?


How do you stage a terrorist event without terrorists?

Matthew Keyes

Raina: We're done with our time out, if you'll have us back.
Ryan: Don't ask their permission.
Raina: Fine, we're helping.

D-day that was so much fun the first time. I've already almost died twice this year, I'm not dying today.


If we can't count on Raina and Ryan, we find friends we can count on.


Quantico Season 2 Episode 21 Quotes

D-day that was so much fun the first time. I've already almost died twice this year, I'm not dying today.


If we can't count on Raina and Ryan, we find friends we can count on.
