Mary: Do you worry that I can't bear you a child?
Francis: Yes! I worry because as a King and as a man I want heirs. Is that what you want to hear? Does it bring us closer for you to know that your failure disappoints me beyond words? Have I answered you fully? Are we done with this relentless interrogation?
Mary: When you told me you hadn't lost hope...
Francis: I lied. Mary, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. I wish...
Mary: For something I can't give you. Well, I asked you for the truth and you certainly gave it to me. I don't need to hear anymore.

Honestly, is Greer dragging out the suspense to make a grander entrance? Will she be arriving on flying swans?


Francis: Mary, I have already made my decision. I am informing the courts now, in writing, before Greer's wedding. My people will know of my decision before the day's end.
Mary: Your people? I thought we were to rule together! At your coronation, you said we would rule as a partnership.
Francis: Mary, I can't always be your husband first. Sometimes I have to be King.

You and Mary with all your ideals will destroy this country. In the name of justice and tolerance you will drive your people to civil war.


Francis: You're not going anywhere. You're thinking that if you were my father, you'd be dead by now.
Narcisse: But apparently you're not your father. You went one better by killing him.
Francis: Against my word, all you have are the rantings of a deranged woman.
Narcisse: Who you are locking up so no one may hear what she has to say. As well you should, because in truth, no rumor could be as dangerous as fratricide. It's a crime against France, against God; anyone who commits it or even knows of it could be summarily put to death -- man, woman, King or Queen. Which is why I imagine your Queen knows nothing of this.

My ladies brought this to me months ago. I read it in an hour.


Your Catholic subjects implore you, including your Catholic lords who before you now, begging you.


The Throne doesn't just what a man believes in his heart, only what he does with his hands. I will not tolerate violence for any reason. It's against the law.


Mary: Lord Conde? What is it? Do you know this boy?
Conde: This is my sister's son. Emil! Emil! They murdered my nephew!

Well. This is smut and reading it clearly lead to this and as punishment I am confiscating it.


Reign Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Mary: Lord Conde? What is it? Do you know this boy?
Conde: This is my sister's son. Emil! Emil! They murdered my nephew!

Well. This is smut and reading it clearly lead to this and as punishment I am confiscating it.
