Harry: I'm still depressed, but it doesn't matter. I don't care.
D'Arcy: You're doin' depression right. The key is to embrace it. Once you accept that you've got nothing, then you've got nothing left to lose. The low point. That's where freedom lives.

Why do you smell like that kid at school who wears his jacket inside?


Goodnight my sweet, hairless monkey. I'm going to the mountain. Do not wake up until I come back -- or ever.


Harry: What a crazy dream. This female human creature was suffocating me with her sexual organs. It was so realistic, I can still feel her hot, hammy breath on my face.
Isabelle: I've always loved watching you sleep.

They have a term on earth for men who work on engines. Sexy beast. That's me. If these humans ever saw me flying my spaceship, I'd have women beating me off with a stick.


Liv: Seems like everyone likes those pods, Sheriff.
Mike: We ain't gettin' them creepy-ass pods, aright? Why don't you just take a damn ouija board into a cemetery?

His smile makes me want to love him and strangle him. I think he has more teeth than me.


Asta: Are you listening to me?
Jay: This paper says you had a baby, and your baby was born on my exact birthday. It's fine. It's not like I didn't know I was adopted.

Wait. If you're mommy, then who's daddy? It's not that dick, Jimmy, is it? [silence] Wow. I really won the lottery with that one, didn't I?


Harry: OK Max. I'm going to give you a simple test. Which one of these people is me.
Max: You know I can't tell by this. If there were a picture of a gross alien or a dumb slug, I'd point to it.

Holy shitsticks! We got ourselves a murder!

Sheriff Mike

This is interesting. She's willing to send Jay away because she loves her not because she hates her.


Resident Alien Season 1 Quotes

Sheriff: I'm Sheriff Mike Thompson. Everybody calls me Big Black.
Harry: Because of your truck.
Sheriff: Because of my... [chuckles] Oh, you funny, huh? Funny.

Spring. The birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, the sun warms the earth. Somewhere; not here. It's 30 degrees out, it snowed nine feet last winter, and four frozen sodas just exploded in my truck. Welcome to Patience, Colorado.
