So, thank you. From one absentee husband to another.


I'd start looking deeper into what he's doing when he's gone.


Our connection is insane, but I just wanted to play music.


You have to follow your dreams because they're not going to give up following you.


We want to ask the question -- What if the ideas you guys have for our lives, what if they're not what our lives are supposed to be?


Would anyone like a glass of wine while we chew our fingernails off?


I've always had a backup plan. I can support you. I can help you be the person that you want to be.


Spoon me. Tell me how jealous you are again.


Neil: A naked photo session is something you and I should have discussed, Grace.
Grace: Why? So, so, so I, I could get your permission?
Neil: Yes!
Grace: Are you serious?
Neil: Yes. I'm serious. I'm the only one that should see you naked, Grace.
Grace: You're jealous?
Neil: You're damn right I'm jealous. If you ever lie to me again like this, I'll...
Grace: What are you going to do?

Neil: You lied to me. You, you, you took your clothes off in front of someone else and you lied to me. Like I wouldn't find out?
Grace: What are you talking about?
Neil: You know what I'm talking about!
Grace: When, when, ah, how did you...?
Neil: You didn't exactly hide it very well, Grace. Framed photo. You, butt naked.

Simon: You know, the only reason I agreed to do this is because you offered me five times my usual salary.
Adriana: Haha. You don't trust me? Maybe you would make a good husband. Satisfied?

You wanna live the life my friend, you're gonna need to learn to handle clients.


Satisfaction Quotes

I don't know what to say because I hate this job. None of what I do really matters. I don't even get to see what I'm trading on a daily basis, it's just numbers on a screen. It's not real. We don't contribute anything to the world in any meaningful way. We just hoard money, and I always thought you were an asshole for making that a virtue.


I think the problem is I need to feel more right now, not less.
