Cyrus: Liv's on it.
Abby: You're not even a little concerned?
Cyrus: Oh, I'm concerned. I'm concerned that Fitzgerald Grant's second term as President of these United States is about to be derailed because his wife won't stop eating fried chicken long enough to put on a cocktail dress. I'm concerned that our enemies are sharpening their long knives for the rapidly approaching moment when it becomes acceptable to point out that maybe, just maybe, the President's homelife has begun to affect his decision making. I am concerned that everything I have devoted far more of my soul to than has ever been right or healthy or appropriate is about to come crashing down on a 16 year old's grave. But no, I am not concerned that Olivia Pope will fail. I am never concerned that Olivia Pope will fail.

[to Olivia] Call me later if you want me to do that thing to you.


Red, you are not in the bubble. Stay out of the First Lady's business.


[to David] I need this all to mean something. This seal, this office, it has to mean something. I've lost too much. I've given up too much. I'm not even a person anymore. I am a statue, a monument. If I don't get to be some soccer dad in Vermont, then I need this all to have a point.


[to Quinn] You ever get lonely, Robin? I'm freakin lonely. Being a superspy is freakin' lonely.


I'm not what, a gladiator anymore? Running around doing your bidding like some mindless soldier in the Olivia Pope army?


Did you two seriously not notice that I have been gone for the last 24 hours? I spent three whole months keeping tabs on this office. I went to see you every day at the computer store. I constantly checked in with Abby at the White House. I found you halfway across the world. I'm the one who made sure this place didn't die. And I go M.I.A. for a whole day and no one even bats an eye. That is unacceptable. That is how Harrison died. We weren't vigilant. We didn't pay attention. So when one of us goes missing for 24 hours the other ones freakin' look for them.


Abby: You wanted to see me Mr. President?
Fitz: You drink?
Abby: Um...yes.

Fitz: I yelled at you. I owe you an apology for that.
Abby: You do owe me an apology, but not for yelling at me. You owe me an apology for not bothering to learn my name. I'm Abby, Mr. President. Abby Whelan. I'm Scottish, by the way.

Quinn: Huck...
Huck: I'll look for you. The next time you go M.I.A. I'll look for you.

Olivia: I thought we could talk about how our days went.
Jake: That sounds very normal.

Karen: Wait, what are we doing?
Olivia: Getting you into college!