Fitz: It's good to have you back, Cy.
Cyrus: I serve at the pleasure of the President. The honor is all mine.

Mellie: We should've locked ourselves in a room together and gotten drunk years ago.
Cyrus: I haven't had this much fun spending the night with a woman in, hell, ever.

Your voice is calm, measured. You're complimenting me. Is this some new, genius way of putting the screws to me?


So, I wish we'd never met. But we did. And I tried. I tried and failed. And tried and failed again to hide. To stop loving him. But I couldn't. I was weak. I hated myself. I wore this ring to remind me of my weakness. And when our affair was exposed, I had to follow my own advice and stand in my truth.


This is amazing. She has actually managed to go from being a slut, to being an every-woman, to being your sister wife in under 48 hours. I didn't even know that was possible.


Did someone give you a list of buzzwords when you took this job? Things to say so that you'd sound like you knew how to help run a country?

Patty [to Liz]

We're going to take what the public views as a cheap and tawdry affair between the President and his former communications director and we're going to spin it into the greatest love story ever told. Olivia and Fitz, a love like no other.


Scandal Season 5 Episode 5 Quotes

Did someone give you a list of buzzwords when you took this job? Things to say so that you'd sound like you knew how to help run a country?

Patty [to Liz]

We're going to take what the public views as a cheap and tawdry affair between the President and his former communications director and we're going to spin it into the greatest love story ever told. Olivia and Fitz, a love like no other.
