All right...I've become attracted to Elaine.


George: Ask them, are there any side effects.Ping: (joking) Impotence.

Jerry: The big toe, the captain!Kramer: What?Jerry: The captain of the toes!

How often do you cut your toe-nails?


George: She had this throaty, sexy kind of whisper.
Elaine: Really , like a... like a... (sexy whisper) Jerry, I want to ssslide my tongue around you like a sssnake... Oh... Oh!

This is like a Penthouse letter. Why can't I meet women like this?


Kramer: Spector gave it to me. He's giving everything away... becoming a minimalist.George: Is that the guy who likes fat women?Jerry: Doesn't the fat fetish conflict with the minimalism?

(to George in a cowboy hat) Sheriff?

  • Permalink: Sheriff?
  • Added:

George: She wants me to take an IQ test.Jerry: 'Cause you're stupid enough to wear the cologne.

Elaine: Why do you keep watching?Jerry: I don't know, I'm obsessed with it. It's like a spider in the toilet struggling for survival. And even though you know he's not gonna make it you, you kinda root for him for a second.Elaine: Then you flush!Jerry: Well, it's a spider.

Monica: I need to get something.George: Monica, I'm really focused here, this stuff's a killer.Monica: George!George: Wish I could.

Monica: Where did you get the coffee?George: Where did I get the coffee? Where do think I got the coffee, from the grocery store.Monica: How did you get there?George: I walked.Monica: How did you get out of the apartment? I didn't see you leave.George: I climbed out the window.Monica: You climbed out the window?George: Of course.Monica: Why didn't you go out the door?George: The door? Why would I go out the door? The window is right here.Monica: You are a fascinating man, George Costanza.

Seinfeld Season 3 Quotes

George: A man gave me a massage.
Jerry: So?
George: So he had his hands and, uh, he was
Jerry: He was what?
George: He was touching and rubbing.

Raymond: (massaging George's hamstring) How did you do this?
George: (VERY tense) Do what?
Raymond: How did you hurt your hamstring?
George: (quickly) I dunno
Raymond: You don't know?
George: I dunno
Raymond: Okay, where did this happen?
George: (Quickly again) Korea.
Raymond: Korea?
George: Korea.
Raymond: You hurt yourself in Korea?
George: I dunno.