Not only did you lie to me about the PCP, you fucked my brother. What's next? You're gonna take up with a black lady man? Oh I forgot that already happened.

Frank [to Monica]

I get it. I was married to Frank for 18 years, it's like swallowing glass everyday.


Whores don't get cars!!


I wouldn't exactly call it an orgy, but there were a lot of naked body parts flying around.


Two lesbians at home and the promise of cash? Maybe your luck has changed Frank.


You wish you had a dick as big as mine!

Bob [to Frank]

Bob: Do we have a problem, PHILIP?
Lip: I don't know, BOB, let's see. You're camped out at my house, you're fucking my mother, and you're talking about stealing my baby brother. Why would we have a problem?

Are you gonna put those in my ass? Because I'm not even gonna feel that.


If memory serves, she was a Summa Cum Laude cunt.


Heyy, look at you baby Jonah, you're hung like a bear!


Well you know how Dad's a total fucking asshole? It turns out he's the good one.


If you will do this for me, I will dress up anyway you want, no safety word.


Shameless Quotes

Lip: What exactly does hooked up mean?
Kevin: Last I checked penis goes into the vagina.

Surround sound bitching is the only thanks I get.
