FBI Agent: Swagger, you know what it's like to have the entire US Government on your ass. So, tell me what you were doing in those woods.
Bob Lee: Lawyer.

Harris: No offense, I need a break from you two. I'm gonna go see my buddy, Van Tassel. With Brooks gone, maybe he knows who the next nominee is -- see how far down Atlas goes on this.
Nadine: Well, don't use your credit cards.
Bob Lee: And don't go home.
Harris: Yeah, no, I'm good. I'll be fine. I'll get some more of that pink pepper spray, right?
Bob Lee: It's powerful shit.

Julie: Bob Lee, I'm done. I'm done with you being an absent father. I'm done with living in danger. I'm done with Mary living in danger, I'm just done.
Bob Lee: Shit. When you said you wanted to meet I never thought it was about this.

Bob Lee: I never brought danger to our family. Someone else always brought it to me.
Julie: I know. You're a clusterfuck magnet.

Hey, we're okay. The war in Afghanistan is over for you. You had to bury friends and family, and you've now solved your father's murder. It's time to come home. Stop trying to save the world. Save your family instead.


Shooter Season 3 Episode 12 Quotes

Harris: No offense, I need a break from you two. I'm gonna go see my buddy, Van Tassel. With Brooks gone, maybe he knows who the next nominee is -- see how far down Atlas goes on this.
Nadine: Well, don't use your credit cards.
Bob Lee: And don't go home.
Harris: Yeah, no, I'm good. I'll be fine. I'll get some more of that pink pepper spray, right?
Bob Lee: It's powerful shit.

FBI Agent: Swagger, you know what it's like to have the entire US Government on your ass. So, tell me what you were doing in those woods.
Bob Lee: Lawyer.