Pete: So you're telling me that Tina Greer can bend her bones like a contortionist and become anybody she wants?
Clark: I saw it with my own eyes.
Pete: (laughs) I'm sorry. This is usually Chloe's territory. I cover girls, football, and general guy stuff; she does the "Tales of the Unexplained".

Pete: She wants to kill Lana?
Clark: Worse, she wants to become Lana.

Clark: Mom, if you could see anything, what would you do?
Mrs. Kent: Learn to close my eyes.

Smallville Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Jonathan: Yeah, you could start with something small. (reaches into pocket) Try to tell me what I have in my hand right now.
Clark: Your pocket knife.
Jonathan: You could see through my hand.
Clark: No, you always carry your knife in that pocket.

Can I come in? I promise I'm not packing heat.
