I know you like him, Clark, but there's a lot of darkness he keeps from the world.

</i> Ryan

Jonathan: You always had a soft spot for strays.
Martha: The last one turned out all right.

Lionel: Lex, your performance of late has been... more than adequate.
Lex: That sounds dangerously like a compliment.

I've been harsh on you, Lex, but greatness is a rarefied air one has to be taught to breathe.

Lionel Luthor

The day Julian was born was the only time I felt like I was part of a real family.


Ryan: Maybe she (Chloe) has a romantic side you don't know about?
Clark: And maybe my mom hit you harder than we thought.

Lex: I thought you were in Monaco.
Lionel: The backbone of surprise is fusing secrecy with speed.

You can stay as long as you want. Maybe some of you'll rub off on Clark.


Clark: Warrior Angel, why him?
Ryan: Because he protects people who can't protect themselves. I like being around you Clark. It's...peaceful.

Lex: I think he saw Julian as his second chance. A chance for him to have a son he could truly love.
Clark: I'm sorry.
Lex: It's in the past, Clark. We would have ended up hating each other anyway. My father would have seen to that.

Clark: I didn't know you liked comic books.
Lex: Are you kidding? A strange visitor from another planet who protects the weak? When I was young he was my idol, not to mention that fact he's bald. I have the whole collection.

Ryan: (after being kissed by Lana) I don't know, but I'm definitely in love.
Clark: Join the club.

Smallville Season 1 Quotes

Pete: Statistical fact: If Clark moved any slower he'd be extinct.

Jonathan: I know this has gotta be really hard for you. But you gotta just hang in there like we promised.
Clark: I'm sick of "hanging in there." All I want to do is go through high school without being a total loser.