Cartman: You were sleep walking again and dressed Sarah Jessica Parker in a moose suit and you left her in the forest and she got shot by a hunter.
Butters: What? Oh no.
Cartman: You're gonna have to come down and admit it was you.
Butters: I got her killed too? Owell, at least she was ugly.

Mr. Stotch: Butters, away from the window, you're being grounded.
Butters: Sorry dad. I was just being the voice of a generation.

And Matthew, how come a transvestite donkey witch is standing next to you and wearing a dress?

Reporter [to Matthew Broderick about Sarah Jessica Parker]

Are you telling us this book is filthy, inappropriate, and made a guy shoot the king of hippies? Can we read it right now?

Cartman [about Catcher in the Rye]

South Park Season 14 Episode 2 Quotes

Are you telling us this book is filthy, inappropriate, and made a guy shoot the king of hippies? Can we read it right now?

Cartman [about Catcher in the Rye]

And Matthew, how come a transvestite donkey witch is standing next to you and wearing a dress?

Reporter [to Matthew Broderick about Sarah Jessica Parker]