Phil Collins: You shouldn't laugh at people with disabilities!
Man on Street: (points at Collins) Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

(After taking the Ritalin antidote)
Stan: Wait a minute! Phil Collins sucks ass!
Kyle: Yeah! what the hell were we thinking? Boooooo!

Phil Collins: And now, I'd like to sing the complex and amazing song that won me the Oscar, a song entitled: 'You'll be in me.' Thanks. 'You'll be inside of me, deep inside of me. So deep inside, I can feel you pushing against my heart.'

Chef: Hold on a second, you children want to go see Phil Collins?
Stan: Yes, his flowing melodies are really enjoyable to us.

(Chef shows the parents a video on non-medication treatment for ADD)
Dr. Shay: (on video) Hello, I'm Dr. Richard Shay, here to tell you about my exciting new drug-free treatment for children with Attention Deficit Disorder. (Several hyper and rambling children) This treatment is fast and effective and it doesn't use harmful drugs. Watch closely as I apply treatment to the first child. (SMACK) SIT DOWN AND STUDY! If you would like more information on my bold new treatments, please send away for this free brochure entitled: 'You can either calm down, or I can pop you in the mouth again.'

Cartman: You know what you guys: we should go to the concert anyways, and see Phil Collins.
Kyle: Yeah, I think Phil Collins rocks the house.

Phil Collins: Nice to meet you, I'm Phil Collins.
Skylar: Oh yeah, you're opening for us at Lollapalazava.

MTV Announcer: The band prepares for its biggest gig: Lollapaloodada.

And now it's time for MTV News, the news that is single handedly responsible for dumbing down the nation. Which is cool.


Chef: Thanks to you, we have children that like Phil Collins!
Pharmaceuticalist: Phil Collins?
Chef: That's right! You made them so dull and boring that they're actually going to go see a Phil Collins concert!
Pharmaceuticalist: Oh my can't be...Phil Collins... (shudders)

We're gonna learn about the reproductive system. Vaginas, and penises! Butt sex!

Mr. Garrison

Kurt Loder: Why am I still doing this? I've got to be the oldest person on this network by at least fourty years.
MTV Announcer: Kurt Loder didn't just say that... No wait, he did just say it, but just to be cool, that's what makes him cool, you think Kurt Loder is cool, and now the news that's cool.

South Park Season 4 Episode 3 Quotes

(After taking the Ritalin antidote)
Stan: Wait a minute! Phil Collins sucks ass!
Kyle: Yeah! what the hell were we thinking? Boooooo!

Phil Collins: You shouldn't laugh at people with disabilities!
Man on Street: (points at Collins) Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!