You're a knockout even if you're knocked up.

Sophia [to Taylor]

You're just like your father, full of naive optimism. Look where it got him.


You know what pisses me off the most? I mean besides having a half-alien baby that might kill me or worse cankles, I really like Drake.


We're not in danger from all Atrians, just the Trags, and if we can neutralize them we might be able to actually save some lives.


It took 10 years for you to reconnect with him and like 10 seconds for you to dump him?


Roman: You really don't have to worry about me anymore.
Emery: Your Uncle Castor is a homicidal maniac, your terrorist ex-girlfriend drugged you. So yeah I worry.

Star-Crossed Season 1 Episode 11 Quotes

It took 10 years for you to reconnect with him and like 10 seconds for you to dump him?


Roman: You really don't have to worry about me anymore.
Emery: Your Uncle Castor is a homicidal maniac, your terrorist ex-girlfriend drugged you. So yeah I worry.