Lorca: You have served the Federation honorably, Lieutenent.
Stamets: Well, I'll always have you to thank for the view.

Traveling the mycelial network is like co-mingling with the most abstruse blips of our celestial existence. I've seen these stars through a lens no one else has access to and that has to be enough for me.


You get to live your life the way you deserve to. Not at war but at peace.


You put on a facade like everything that's happened to you just washes off. I actually envy that about you.


My rise to power would not be possible if not for the assassination of T'Kuvma.


Where is the honour of taking a ship that doesn't belong to you? You had no hand in the battle that caused this war. You were not here when T'Kuvma fell.


There's a clearing in the forest. That's how they go.


I'm going to see this mission through. I meant what I said. Everybody comes home.


I have to bring everyone home.


When I took command of this vessel, you were a crew of polite scientists. Now, I look at you. You are fierce warriors all. No other Federation vessel would stand a chance of pulling this off. Just us.


Lorca: We have to win this war. But then...
Stamets: Then, the journey continues.

Lorca: You showed me this invention could take us to places we never dreamed we could reach. This is far beyond my preconceptions of time and space.
Stamets: Captain, I didn't know you cared.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

I know what drives you, Lieutenant. You're not just a scientist, you're an explorer. You could've stayed in a lab on Earth but you chose to go where no one has gone before.


If you're planning on disobeying a direct order, it's best not to advertise the fact.
