Well, that's Starfleet. Good at observing and bad at maintaining.


Y'know, we can't just assume people are going to keep doing the right thing a generation down the road.


Mariner: Wait, are you saying, work together for a change?
Freeman: Might be useful to have a captain on your side, y'know? Instead of up your ass?

Boimler, you can't keep ducking me forever. It is a really small galaxy out there. Sooner or later, I'm going to run into you and I'm going to feed you to an armus! You hear me?


Tendi: What about the needs of the many?
Peanut Hamper: I joined Starfleet to piss off my dad, not to be a virus bomb.

Riker: You know, I was her mentor.
Freeman: Yeah, well, I remember it differently.
Riker: You were sort of my cha'DIch! We used to get into so much trouble!

Star Trek: Lower Decks Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Freeman: Nothing against second contact missions but the Cerritos should be popping in on those legacy civilizations BEFORE they unravel.
Ransom: Yeah, but popping in is against regulation. We would need specific orders.
Freeman: I just hate seeing a perfectly good society get destroyed by a Gamester of Triskelion and/or whatever because Starfleet has a policy of SOME intervention.

Freeman: I can't believe you all started reworshipping the dang computer!
Betan: Well, Landru is very persuasive.
Landru: Consume the intruders! Obey Landru!
Freeman: Hey! Don't make me paradox you into destroying yourself.
Landru: Landru apologizes!