Picard: Humankind will change. You must be patient.
Guinan: You know who has the luxury of patience here? Someone who looks like you and not like me. This world had more potential than I had ever imagined. But the hatred here, it never ends, just swaps clothes. This century took off a hood and put on a suit. You say change is coming? Well, it's too damn slow and the cost way too high. And being forced to watch it hurts.
Picard: History's darkest moments can be a tipping point for change. There's still good here.
Guinan: Trust me. It ain't tipping soon. And I've been on this planet a lot longer than you.

Dr. Teresa: I hate being in here. I start out with a pretty healthy fear of authority.
Rios: Clearly not when it gets in the way of helping people.
Dr. Teresa: Pure selfishness. I need to be needed.

Rios: My name is Cristobal Rios. You can call me Chris, Rios, good either way.
ICE Officer: Occupation?
Rios: Captain. Of the USS Stargazer, you wouldn't know it. It's a starship from the year 2400. I'm on an ongoing mission to explore strange, new worlds, seek out new life and civilizations, but instead, I'm stuck back in a particularly primitive past -- no offence -- trying to correct the timeline so I can... y'know. With whom, you ask? A ragtag group of misfits, including one cybernetic queen that I'm fairly certain is in it just to wipe out all of humanity with her own cohort and cross the old Admiral who, if I understand it correctly, is a flesh and blood robot. I can't be sure because nobody can explain it to me.

Seven: Wait, what does a yellow light mean?
Raffi: Go faster. No, red means stop. Red means stop! RED MEANS STOP! Stop stop stop stop stop! Ah!
Seven: All right, can you stop? If I kill somebody, this is on you.
Raffi: Well, maybe you can try not aiming for them. I think you're getting the hang of it.

Agnes: Cloaking doesn't matter right now.
Borg queen: Says the woman who won't meet my gaze for fear of being seen. To be in plain view but still unafraid. There's great strength in that.
Agnes: Well, I'm sure it helps when you have an army behind you.
Borg queen: It's how you get the army to follow you, my dear. How you teach the choir to sing.

You hate being alone just as much as I do. So how about it? You and I trade sad sack stories in between pressing catastrophes?


Guinan: You're looking for a Supervisor, otherwise known as a Watcher. They're peppered through the galaxy, assigned to protect the destiny of certain individuals.
Picard: Assigned by whom? And what do you mean by destiny?
Guinan: Y'know, it's all kinds of vague. They're not big explainers. They see themselves as kind of guardian angels. No humility problem there.

Change always comes later than we think it should.


You can't do it. And you know it. Oh sure, you played the game for a while when nothing was at stake and the only challenge was fooling everybody into thinking you had the nerve. But now it's real. The fear is choking you. Oh, here's the truth. You can't do it. People are gonna die. And now your fear, your doubt is the loudest voice in your head.


Star Trek: Picard Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Picard: I'm counting on you, Agnes. We all are.
Jurati: Peachy. Have you met in a pinch?

Jurati: You all right, mister?
Picard: Just having memories of things that have yet to occur.