Carina: Both, I’m guessing.
Maya: What?
Carina: I missed you, and I brought you something.
Maya: I’m walking away from you before I start breaking all the rules.
Carina: Good.
Maya: Move in with me.
Carina: What?
Maya: Quarantining is basically just moving in together, but I don’t want to just basically do anything with you. I want to do everything for real. I know we have barely spent three days together since I broke your trust, but I’m hoping that me asking you to move in with me is a sign that I’m all the way in.
Carina: Actually, um, I came here to ask you the exact same thing.

Dean: I just couldn’t keep living with her. There was no way.
Jack: So, you’re not gonna…
Dean: And I can’t tell her why I asked her to leave, or why I broke up with Sasha, so she just thinks I’m an ass, which is like, I guess I’m just supposed to live with that.
Jack: What’s the alternative?
Dean: The alternative is tell her the truth, I guess.

Travis: Hope it was worth it, Yvonne.
Helm: Are we allowed to yell at dead people?
Ben: As a rule, no.

You think that tiger did it on purpose? Pretended to love her but was just secretly waiting for a moment all these years?


Michelle: I missed you so much.
Andy: Well, you could have reached out. So many times you could have reached out. Why didn’t anyone tell me the truth?
Michelle: Andy, I tried to. That’s why we never saw you again.

Maya: I miss Carina. We had just reached a good place, and then the pandemic hit, and I get that we’re being responsible by not seeing each other, but it seems kind of extreme, right? But the alternative is quarantining together, which is basically moving in together, which also seems extreme, right?
Dean: It depends.
Maya: On what?
Dean: Your intentions. I let Hughie move in, and I wasn’t clear with my intentions, and look where that got us.
Maya: But you weren’t dating Hughes. It’s a little different.
Dean: I wasn’t clear how long I wanted her to stay with us, and then Hughes fell in love with Prue and the houseboat. She wasn’t ready to leave. I kicked her out, and now she feels abandoned, so be clear.

Vic: I thought Miller and I were ride or die, give you my kidney kind of friends, but we’re just… I don’t know. We’re not.
Jack: Disagree. I think he’d give you a kidney if you asked.
Vic: Don’t side with him.
Jack: Fine, I’d give you a kidney if you asked.

Sullivan: I miss my wife. Do you really think this separation thing is necessary?
Amelia: I’m not sure of anything, but I know if the relationship is strong, it can survive a temporary separation in service of your sobriety. And I know that if you’re staying sober for your wife, the first time you have a fight, you’ll have an excuse to use drugs, so the point of the separation is to learn to stay sober for yourself.

Andy: Tell me something about her, something good.
Sandra: Really?
Andy: I’m sick of being angry.
Sandra: She was a dreamer just like you. She was passionate just like you. She was impulsive just like you, but she doesn’t have your grit, your courage, your commitment, your heart. That’s my sister, and I love her, and I can say that. You have her good stuff. Luckily, luckily, the rest comes from your Papi.

Maya: So, what’s going on there?
Jack: We’re hanging out. OK, why is everyone in this fire station obsessed with who I spend time with?
Maya: Because who you spend time with usually has catastrophic results for the rest of us.
Jack: Like with you?
Maya: Exactly. Spending time with her how?
Jack: I bring her groceries, and Marcus talks my face off about his video games. Not exactly the tour de affair you’re imagining.
Maya: But knowing you, it’s only a matter of time.
Jack: No, she feels more like a sister.
Maya: But she’s not a sister. She’s a young hot straight woman, and you need not to pretend that she isn’t.
Jack: Why?
Maya: Because otherwise you might accidentally slip and fall and land in her bed.
Jack: I’m pretty sure my captain’s not supposed to be talking to me like that.
Maya: It’s safety advice. That’s all.

Vic: Where’s Herrera?
Travis: Bishop gave her the day off. She’s with her family.
Vic: Family, like her mom? I thought we hated mom. Do we not hate mom?
Travis: No, we hate mom. She’s with auntie and cousins. We like them.

Andy: Everything’s exactly like when we were kids.
Johnny: Why change a good thing, right?
Andy: I love it. Thank you so much, but really you didn’t have to go through all this trouble.
Michelle: She thinks we did this all for her.
Sandra: Honey, we do this every weekend, but now you’re going to have to join us.
Michelle: Now, they’re gonna make you even when you don’t want to.
Andy: Of course you all never stopped doing this. You just stopped inviting me.
Sandra: Elena, that was a strange situation.
Johnny: But we’re your family, and we love you, and that never changed.
Sandra: Andy, I know what that face means.
Andy: No, it’s fine. It’s whatever.
Sandra: No, it wasn’t fine, and it’s not whatever, but know we have you back.

Station 19 Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

Vic: Where’s Herrera?
Travis: Bishop gave her the day off. She’s with her family.
Vic: Family, like her mom? I thought we hated mom. Do we not hate mom?
Travis: No, we hate mom. She’s with auntie and cousins. We like them.

Andy: Everything’s exactly like when we were kids.
Johnny: Why change a good thing, right?
Andy: I love it. Thank you so much, but really you didn’t have to go through all this trouble.
Michelle: She thinks we did this all for her.
Sandra: Honey, we do this every weekend, but now you’re going to have to join us.
Michelle: Now, they’re gonna make you even when you don’t want to.
Andy: Of course you all never stopped doing this. You just stopped inviting me.
Sandra: Elena, that was a strange situation.
Johnny: But we’re your family, and we love you, and that never changed.
Sandra: Andy, I know what that face means.
Andy: No, it’s fine. It’s whatever.
Sandra: No, it wasn’t fine, and it’s not whatever, but know we have you back.