Look, this is very surreal, and uh, just to say every single thing we say and do today is going in the memoirs, going in the fucking congressional records, it's coming up at board meetings, it's going in the SEC filings. It's like, if we tell them to circle for a half an hour so we can get our heads straight, then some fuckin' rumor starts, we get crucified for being cold-hearted. I don't even know. We are highly liable to misinterpretation. So what we do today will always be the day our father died. So, you know, let's grieve and whatever, but not do anything that restricts our future freedom of movement.


Karolina: Well, we should tell him that he's delayed.
Karl: Oh, he's heavily fuckin' delayed.

Uh, hey, Dad. Can you, uh, can you call me back? That was uh, that was horrible with Gerri. And just, I don't know, and don't listen to this is you don't want to, but I'm not, I'm not totally OK with, uh, are you just being shitty with me 'cause your son is getting married, and you can't fucking keep expecting me to bend over for you, like being cunty. So, I'm just asking. So, uh, yeah. That's the question. Are you a cunt? OK. Give me a buzz.


I'm fine. Let's just enjoy this sham marriage and the death of romance. It will be great.


Gret: Do you have the support you need for Sweden?
Tom: Oh yeah, I've got about three, four people Gregging for me.
Greg: Gregging?
Tom: Yeah. I roped in a few mini-Gregs from the pigpen. Little Greglets.
Greg: OK. Well, don't turn it into a word, Tom. I'm a guy. Why do you have all these little guys, these little Greggys running around? Who are these little Gregs?

God fuckin' dammit. God fucking dammit. You ruined it all. You fucking ruined it all.


Look at ya. The rebel alliance. How is it out in those hills? Supply lines OK? Got enough to eat? So this is how it is, huh? The battle royale? Me and dad on one side, you guys on the other?


I would like to sing one song at karaoke because I've seen it in the movies, but nobody ever wants to go.


Yeah. Dad was a dog. Tomorrow he's selling the empire to a 4Chan Swede and dishin' out jobs for blowies.


So it's either we vote yes tomorrow, and we all make billions of dollars, or we sign up for your cool shit, and then dad disinherits us entirely. That sounds like a toughy; we'll think about it, bye.


This is Guantanamo-level shit. What is this, Con? I think I would like to hear Desperado. Please.


A show about politics called Outside Baseball. How fuckin' confusing is that?


Succession Quotes

Shiv: God he looks terrible. He looks like a frozen corpse.
Tom: Yeah, he looks waxy, like an unshaven candle.

Ragnar: A public and personal declaration of withdrawal could be really helpful. You OK, mate?
Kendall: Yeah.
Ragnar: Yeah, you could do this. You could stop it.
Kendall: OK, yeah. I mean. My dad wants me to do it, uh, I'll, I'll do it. [reading note] 'I saw their plan. Dad's plan is better.'
Ragnar: How you feel? You look good.
Kendall: Yeah, I feel, uh, I feel good.