Brainy: Are you all right?
Winn: Yeah, why wouldn't I be?
Brainy: Well, you spent an exceedingly long time in the bathroom.
Winn: This isn't a bathroom.

Lena: Oh right, you don't like secrets.
Supergirl: Nope, I don't.
Lena: Good, what's your real name?

Is this what it's like when humans exercise? This is terrible. Why would you ever exercise?


Brainy: Would you like me to count to three?
Lena: Will it help?
Brainy: No, not at all.

Brainy: Once I induce transmission, your minds will be immediately beamed into this dark valley.
Alex: Is it gonna hurt?
Brainy: The chances are better than 50%.
Alex: That's comforting.
Brainy: Really? I didn't think so.

J'onn: There's still one big hole in this plan. How do we send Supergirl back to this valley?
Kara: We fight fantasy with sci-fi.

Supergirl Season 3 Episode 17 Quotes

Brainy: Once I induce transmission, your minds will be immediately beamed into this dark valley.
Alex: Is it gonna hurt?
Brainy: The chances are better than 50%.
Alex: That's comforting.
Brainy: Really? I didn't think so.

J'onn: There's still one big hole in this plan. How do we send Supergirl back to this valley?
Kara: We fight fantasy with sci-fi.