Kara: For the record, I got here first.
Barry: Nah, for the record I went around the block to check the perimeter, so technically I let you get here first.

All four of you standing there doing nothing, you look like the attractive yet non-threatening racially diverse cast of a CW show.


Barry: First things first, food. I have to consume about 10,000 calories a day.
Winn: Oh, yeah, you definitely met the right girl.

I'm Barry Allen, fastest man alive. I also think that I'm on the wrong Earth. I'm gonna need your help.


Winn: I saw that winning the people back wasn't going so well.
Kara: I have tried everything I can think of. Last night, I helped a family assemble their IKEA table.

Kara: After what I did the people don't trust me anymore.
Lucy: You got me to trust you, that's a start.

Alex: Have faith in me, like I have in you.
Kara: What am I gonna do without you?
Alex: You don't need me, you never have.

I know you're feeling betrayed and alone, but if you go along with Jim Harper just to feel like you fit in, to feel like you belong somewhere, ultimately, the only person you're betraying is yourself.


Winn: Do you think Supergirl's lost the public's trust for good?
Cat: I suppose if Mel Gibson can present at the Golden Globes, then Supergirl can win the city back.

Alex: Why didn't you run? You could have gotten away.
Hank: Because I'd spend a thousand years in this cell if it meant keeping you, and your sister, safe.

Supergirl, I fear you are having some sort of mental breakdown. Don't worry, it happens to the best of us, and I am happy to take you to Dr. Shuman for emergency Lexapro. That is, if your alien brain will respond to the SSRIs.


I admire loyalty, integrity, and employees that I can trust. Not backstabbing, opportunistic, little...Imps. Clean out your desk. I'm sorry, was I using my inside voice? You are fired!


Supergirl Season 1 Quotes

Alex: I have a conference in Geneva and I have to be on a plane in two hours.
Kara: And I have a blind date in a half an hour and I need you to help me pick out what to wear. I win.

The only reason I bought this building was because it had a private elevator. That way I don't have to get soaked in cheap cologne every morning on the way to my office. Find out who used it and have them reprimanded or bathed, I don't care which.
