Cheyenne: Okay, guys, come on. Obviously, Jonah's got some ideas; we haven't even let him talk! Jonah.
Jonah: I mean, I'm not sure that there's anything that we can do. I'm just trying to be realistic. I mean, we've been flattened by these guys over and over. I just... yeah, I don't know what to say.
Cheyenne: Uh, hey, I'm not sure that's an idea as so much as a downer, so maybe next time, just don't stop the meeting if you don't have anything.
Jonah: Yeah, my bad.

Sandra: You think she'd be cool with paying you cash under the table?
Mateo: Of course, that's how all rich people pay their immigrants. You think Dianne Wiest has paid a payroll tax her entire life?

Jonah: You good, Glenn?
Glenn: No, I'm not good! Tell me, how do you think he removed them? Do you think maybe they just fell off like acorns?
Jonah: You know what, buddy? Maybe.

Natalie: Jonah, this is not the first time feet have been found here. In fact, the internet has already dubbed this store "Toe-zark Highlands."
Jonah: Is that -- is that so? That's the first I'm hearing of it.
Natalie: Why do you think he or she -- but let's be honest, he -- sees your store as an ideal dumping ground?
Jonah: Uh, well, Natalie, he probably likes it for the same reason everybody else does, you know? Our fast and friendly service, our convenient parking, and our strong sense of community.
Sandra: I don't think he answered her question.
Garrett: Yeah, that's a tough pivot.

We keep trying to show everybody that we're the perfect store, and the truth is, we're not. Okay, we're just us. But we're here every single day. When it rains, when it snows, when it tornadoes. When there's a plague, and you're all safe at home except for when you come here to cough, we're here! Just trying to get you what you need, and all we want is to keep doing that.


Amy: Look, I know that the foot thing is bad; I'm not trying to say that it's not, but you can't close this store. You just, you can't. I don't have a good reason why, but these people are my family. I grew up here; I spent half of my life --
Meghan: Amy, we're not closing this one.
Amy: What? Really?
Meghan: It has great square footage, nice and central; it'll make a perfect fulfillment center.
Amy: A fulfillment center? So, it's not going to be a store anymore? Well, what about everybody's jobs?
Meghan: Well, I'm sure they'll keep a handful of people, but...
Amy: No. You can't just do this to us.
Meghan: Well, Amy, you'll keep your job.
Amy: No, I won't. 'Cause I quit.

Superstore Season 6 Episode 14 Quotes

Sandra: You think she'd be cool with paying you cash under the table?
Mateo: Of course, that's how all rich people pay their immigrants. You think Dianne Wiest has paid a payroll tax her entire life?

Cheyenne: Okay, guys, come on. Obviously, Jonah's got some ideas; we haven't even let him talk! Jonah.
Jonah: I mean, I'm not sure that there's anything that we can do. I'm just trying to be realistic. I mean, we've been flattened by these guys over and over. I just... yeah, I don't know what to say.
Cheyenne: Uh, hey, I'm not sure that's an idea as so much as a downer, so maybe next time, just don't stop the meeting if you don't have anything.
Jonah: Yeah, my bad.