Daphne: Is she having a bachelorette party?
Toby: Uh, I don't think so.
Daphne: She is now.
Bay: She is? Oh no. I mean, do churchy people even go in for bachelorette parties?
Daphne: C'mon, we don't have to have a penis pinata, but we can still have some fun!

I'm not sure it's even ethical for me to get involved, and what about all the soldiers who aren't dating senator's daughters? Somebody's got to go.


Daphne: Jace, what are you doing?
Jace: I'm sending that text to Coto.
Daphne: Please don't do that.
Jace: You're not my girlfriend. I don't have to do what you want anymore.

There's a special place in hell for boyfriends like you.


Ty: What about your parents? Are they in?
Bay: It's just about asking the right parent!

In my experience, most secrets come out eventually. And, if she has to find out from someone, wouldn't it be best coming from you?


Trust me, you're not getting between deaf people and their schlocky horror.


I gotta get back to the motor pool. The problem is I'm not getting out of bed as long as you're still in it.


Wow - even a psycho meltdown can't scare you away.


Jace, you can ride a unicycle. I promise you can learn to swim in a country club pool.


Honey, this is the new reality. Don't leave me alone in it.


Regina: I have never been able to be around you without feeling invisible.
Angelo: You have never been invisible to me.

Switched at Birth Season 2 Quotes

I'm so above my pay grade here.


I may not be valedictorian. But I'm determined not to be in the bottom ten either!
