You keep pulling stunts like that, and the time will come when one of us doesn't make it back. You think about that.

John [to Bryan]

Now it's time for you to answer some questions.

Bryan [to his former interrogator]

Every moment you don't talk, you increase the chance that the team will come for you, to rescue your ass.

Scott [to Bryan]

Riley: Did [Bryan] just ...
Christina: He just sacrificed himself to buy the others some time.

There's not there's a Tibetan monastery in my future or anything like that.

Bryan [to Mejia]

Asha: Do you really care if [Asha's parents] like you? That's so sweet.
Bryan: Now you're making fun of me.

Taken Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

There's not there's a Tibetan monastery in my future or anything like that.

Bryan [to Mejia]

Asha: Do you really care if [Asha's parents] like you? That's so sweet.
Bryan: Now you're making fun of me.