Jacqueline: Nick at security told me you came in at 4:30.
Jane: Yes, I have a lot to do. I want to make sure we’re still cranking out material and the rest of the troops are producing.
Jacqueline: How’s Addison?
Jane: She is great. We just had a good one-on-one, trying to be involved and supportive and inspiring like you. Anything else?
Jacqueline: Jane…
Jane: Jacqueline, that’s really sweet, but I’m not going to cry. I admit I was a little blindsided by the reviews, but I’m feeling great. I’m not gonna cry.
Jacqueline: OK. Your pen is leaking. I have a great idea. I want you to go home right now and take tomorrow off also. You have been pressing since the reviews, working nonstop, and I think you need to relax. Just reset. Try a meditation app.
Jane: Jacqueline, I can’t because I have my vertical and my employees…
Jacqueline: Which will all benefit if you do this. You know that I want what’s best for you, right? Trust me.

Jane: I wish there was some magic potion that would take me out of my head and put me into hers.
Kat: There is.
Sutton: Besides wine?
Jane: Well, by all means don’t tell us. I don’t care.
Kat: Microdosing. According to some people, small amounts of mushrooms just opens your mind, helps with creativity, self-confidence, vision. It’s still illegal in New York, but it’s growing in psychotherapy.

Jane: What are you doing?
Sutton: I love this poof. It’s like a furry little planet that loves and supports me.
Jane: OK, Sutton, I think we took too much. Andrew’s caramel tart literally had a heartbeat.
Sutton: This feels so good on my lips.
Jane: We’re tripping balls.

Jane: Do you hear that?
Oliver: Yeah, that’s just my ringtone when Carly texts me.

Jacqueline: While I’m gone, I’m planning to ask Jane to be the interim editor-in-chief, and I would love it if you would be a steadying influence for her.
Oliver: Of course. That’s why she was in the layout meeting.
Jacqueline: Yeah, I’ve been trying to ease in some new things for her, and if I do this, I’ll start some more intensive training soon.
Oliver: If you do this?
Jacqueline: Jane has enormous potential, but leading a place like Scarlet, you really have to be able to inspire people, bring out their best.
Oliver: That’s the toughest part of the job.
Jacqueline: Jane got critical reviews from Addison. Before I pull the trigger, I just want to see how she handles that.

Kat: Jane needs a little help.
Andrew: She needs an armory of help.
Kat: So that’s still happening. What’s that about?
Andrew: Me and Jane? I don’t know. She’s got that try hard, overachiever, obsessed with Jacqueline thing. It’s just a little annoying.
Kat: So you hate each other because you’re the same person.
Andrew: Excuse me? What?
Kat: Andrew, it’s OK. Sometimes I think people, relationships, they hold up a metaphorical mirror into our souls. They make us uncomfortable, but if you embrace it, I think you might find you two actually really relate.

Sutton: What the hell am I doing with my life? I put everything into my career, everything. It’s why I didn’t start dating Richard sooner. It’s part of the reason I don’t have to have children. Companies like Villadar are killing the planet, and do I want to be involved with that? What does that say about me as a person? Why are looking at yourself in the mirror like that?
Kat: I look weird, right?
Sutton: What are you talking about?
Kat: I look like washed out, flat. Does I always look like this? Who am I?
Sutton: I thought this was supposed to help us, not make us question literally everything.
Kat: OK, hold on. Sometimes questioning things is good, you know. Maybe we need to shed who we are now to become who we’re supposed to be, or maybe it’s just a bad trip.
Sutton: That can happen?
Kat: Oh yeah, if you’re in a bad headspace, it can get pretty gnarly.
Sutton: How do we know if that’s what’s happening?
Kat: We get to the end.
Sutton: I’m gonna need help getting there with some white wine.

Jane: Things are going horribly. I’m supposed to prove to Addison that I can be her Jacqueline and I’m failing, so you’re welcome.
Andrew: OK, when I first joined drag choir, I was replacing a really legendary queen, and I really wanted to prove I could fill her shoes, but I couldn’t hit a high C. I tried and tried until my throat hurt and my roommate threatened to move out. Anyway, the night before the show, you know what happened?
Jane: You hit the note?
Andrew: No, I admitted the queens it was out of my range, and honestly, it was one of the most liberating things I’ve ever done. No matter how hard we try, sometimes, we’re gonna struggle. And being honest doesn’t make you weak. It actually makes you strong.

Jane: You know when I told you I was too busy to see you today, I lied. The real reason I couldn’t help you was because I wasn’t feeling well.
Addison: Are you sick?
Jane: No, I was kind of tripping.
Addison: You seemed wound up… wait, literally or figuratively?
Jane: Uh, both. I know, it’s kind of crazy, but when I thought I was going to lose you, I panicked and I got really in my head because I want to be the kind of mentor that you deserve. And my friend said that microdosing might help. So I tried it, and it was a little stronger than I thought it would be. I want to be transparent about that with you because I do want to do right by you. I want to be your Jacqueline, but I can’t be someone that I’m not. I can only be Jane.
Addison: And who’s that?
Jane: Someone who’s really new at managing, and who even when she tries her hardest doesn’t get it right every time, but I’m going to do everything I can to support you and to try to be a good mentor to you.

Sutton: I still think Villadar is ruining the planet, but I didn’t have to go about it that way. It’s just that it’s been a crazy year for me, and so much is changing, but fashion’s always been my constant. Then when I realized we were supporting a brand that was bad, I kind of felt even more lost. You know?
Oliver: We’re reconsidering our ties to Villadar…
Sutton: That’s amazing.
Oliver: But, I am also reconsidering this hands-off approach I’ve had with you.
Sutton: What do you mean?
Oliver: The drinking at work.
Sutton: Oliver it was a glass.
Oliver: And the retreat. You don’t think I know what really happened, do you? You were drunk. Why do you think I was calling yesterday to check on Carly and Jasper?
Sutton: Because you miss being with them?
Oliver: I was also calling to check on him, make sure a glass of wine at lunch doesn’t turn into six. Yes, Jasper is doing better, and maybe, I shouldn’t worry about him, but I still do. I know how dangerous substance abuse can be, and I think that you know better than anybody else to watch someone that you love have to go through that. So I was worried about it, and I’m worried about you.

Kat: So listen I really appreciate you, and this place has given me stability at a time when I really needed it, but I think Don’t Turn Away has the potential to be really big and create change in a sustainable way, and in order to really do that, I think I need to commit to it fulltime. So this is my notice. Don’t worry I already covered my shifts for the next two weeks.
Darby: I’m sorry to see you go.
Kat: Oh, you’re not just really happy to get rid of me?
Darby: The woman who got the Belle to change her policy on hiring the formerly incarcerated?
Kat: Wait, really?
Darby: Yeah, I’ll miss her.

Jacqueline: You really stepped up. You ready to do it again?
Jane: Yeah, sure.
Jacqueline: Good because I’m going on vacation on the 18th and when I do, I need you to be fully prepared to do everything I do here.

The Bold Type Season 5 Episode 4 Quotes

Jane: I wish there was some magic potion that would take me out of my head and put me into hers.
Kat: There is.
Sutton: Besides wine?
Jane: Well, by all means don’t tell us. I don’t care.
Kat: Microdosing. According to some people, small amounts of mushrooms just opens your mind, helps with creativity, self-confidence, vision. It’s still illegal in New York, but it’s growing in psychotherapy.

Jacqueline: Nick at security told me you came in at 4:30.
Jane: Yes, I have a lot to do. I want to make sure we’re still cranking out material and the rest of the troops are producing.
Jacqueline: How’s Addison?
Jane: She is great. We just had a good one-on-one, trying to be involved and supportive and inspiring like you. Anything else?
Jacqueline: Jane…
Jane: Jacqueline, that’s really sweet, but I’m not going to cry. I admit I was a little blindsided by the reviews, but I’m feeling great. I’m not gonna cry.
Jacqueline: OK. Your pen is leaking. I have a great idea. I want you to go home right now and take tomorrow off also. You have been pressing since the reviews, working nonstop, and I think you need to relax. Just reset. Try a meditation app.
Jane: Jacqueline, I can’t because I have my vertical and my employees…
Jacqueline: Which will all benefit if you do this. You know that I want what’s best for you, right? Trust me.