Whoa, this has gotten way out of control. We do not throw people out, we just take people in.


Why are you trying to better your life with my boyfriend? Hasn’t worked for me, not going to work for you.


Just because you ran your businesses into the ground doesn’t mean that I have to make it right for you.


Dan: I’m 68. I’m not going to have time to spend 10 years waiting for a promotion.
Ben: Well, I am sorry you’re old but that doesn’t mean I have to give you a piece of the business my father gave me.

I will see you before midnight. That’s when my magic carriage turns into a pickup with expired tags.


Successful people like being around failures. Think about how you feel being around DJ.


The Conners Season 3 Episode 14 Quotes

I will see you before midnight. That’s when my magic carriage turns into a pickup with expired tags.


Successful people like being around failures. Think about how you feel being around DJ.
