Illusionist: Thanks for coming. Tada.
Pete: Another trick!
Illusionist: It's the bill for the tickets.

Pete: You got all that from a dirty fork.
Nick: That's why it's Morelli / Kaczmarek, Mr. Kaczmarek.

All right, but if he's going to object to everything I say, maybe he can just use flashcards. Save the voice.


Pete: It's Vegas. Wall to wall desert. Who needs a boat? I was going to buy a boat with my share.
Nick: With your share, you could've put in a lake for that boat.
Pete: Yeah. What were you going to do with yours?
Nick: A separated man living in a crappy apartment? What do you think? Buy a house bigger than hers. Maybe not a house, a compound. Something really huge.
Pete: Yeah, well, that's not gonna happen.

Pete: Wiped the floor with this fancy lawyer. Chewed him up and spit him out.
Nick: Well, he could see who he was up against. Why else do you think he was trying to bury us in paper work?
Pete: Not trying. He has succeeded. Ugh, I can't breathe.

Any idiot with a computer and a Wi-Fi connection can spew hateful vindictive crap, and can call it journalism!


That's because all the lawyers you talked to are gutless mama's boys.


Nick: We are donut people, not pastry people. Pastries try too hard and they're expensive. And until some of our clients pay back the money they owe us: Just. Plain. Donuts.

The Defenders Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

That's because all the lawyers you talked to are gutless mama's boys.


Nick: We are donut people, not pastry people. Pastries try too hard and they're expensive. And until some of our clients pay back the money they owe us: Just. Plain. Donuts.