You know that thing that Maya Angelou says, "When someone shows you who they are, believe them." When the going gets rough you are someone who leaves.


Star: I know you used to hit Mom. I remember
Sevvy: I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, baby, and for many reasons, I was an angry man back then but that’s not who I am anymore, darling.
Star: Did you ever hurt Jessica?
Sevvy: Never.
Star: I believe you. I believe you.

Alan: I had an a-ha moment. The reason you were so determined to bring Maya back for this case, you’re covering your ass. You want her to take the hit if this thing turns into a crap show which it is rapidly doing.
Matthew: I would never throw one of my lawyers under the bus.
Alan: Right. Right. I figured it out. How long before Maya figures it out too?

This case is not about race, it’s about domestic violence. Sevvy Johnson killed Jessica Meyer and we are going to prove that.


Wolf capitalized on 400 years of racial injustice and a celebrity client who knew how to break out a megawatt smile.


Maya: Seriously, Alan Wiest is the DA?
Matthew: Mediocrity always rises to the top.

Johnson only lets women leave him in a pine box. Unfortunately, this time he didn’t leave a trail of blood for us to follow.


This isn’t my world anymore and I don’t want it to be.


That’s the bitch about guilt. You don’t have to do anything wrong to feel it.


I have the chance to get justice, not just for Jessica but for Cassandra and Nancy. That makes it my fight.


Sevvy: I can’t go back to jail.
Wolf: You won’t. You did the right thing. You got the Wolf.

Sevvy: And Maya Travis?
Wolf: You let me worry about her. She’s tough but she fights fair. It’s always been her weakness.

The Fix Quotes

Wolf capitalized on 400 years of racial injustice and a celebrity client who knew how to break out a megawatt smile.


CJ: You did everything you could, Maya.
Maya: I wish that mattered.